Wish ListThe success of our school depends on many different levels of support.Currently, we require the following items for our program.Donations can be made online or by using the donation form. $25-$500 $500+ $35 - Referee fees CYO Basketball $50 - Grade level appropriate Apps for iPad's and Chromebook's $100 - Time Magazine Kids Subscription $100 - Scholastic Magazine Subscription $250 - Cost of complete School Uniform per Student annually $250 - Art & School Supplies per Student annually $400 - Grade level Math Manipulative Kits $500 - 12 Basketball Uniforms $500 - Class Field Trip $750 - Young Audiences Performance $1,000 - Software and Educational applications for iPads and Chromebooks $1,000 - Extended Year/ Summer Enrichment programs per class $2,500 - 1/4 Year Sponsor A Student Program $5,000 - 1/2 Year Sponsor a Student Program